Improving the health of underserved populations through proven methods and new ideas
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All Events


Events Overview

RHCP periodically hosts training, education and project-specific summits around key decisions. If you are interested in learning more about Community-Based Participatory Research, would like more information about a specific project, or would like to share information with our partnership, please contact us. 

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Upcoming Events

We conduct ongoing, regularly scheduled program update meetings. If you are interested in attending, please contact us.  

Past Events

Partners in Research workshop, 2010

CBPR is a collaborative research approach designed to ensure and establish structures for participation by communities affected by the issue being studied, representatives of organizations, and researchers in all aspects of the research process to improve health and well-being through taking action, including social change.  This approach to research is meant to increase the value of studies for both researchers and the communities participating in a study, and is well suited for addressing the persistent problems of health care disparities in priority populations in the United States, including racial and ethnic minorities; low-income, rural, and inner-city populations; women; and children.

Reference: Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality

In 2010, RHCP organized a workshop to engage communities and researchers to work together to improve the health of the community through CBPR.  Specific goals of the workshop were to improve understanding among communities and researchers of the CBPR approach, and of the value, challenges and benefits of CBPR; and to increase understanding among communities and researchers about ways of creating CBPR partnerships.  Over 100 participants attended this 1.5-day workshop.

Click for Partners in Research Program

Nate Nordstrom